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Achieve Your Goals

Achieve Your Goals

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The ebook titled "ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS" emphasises the importance of setting and achieving goals for success in life. It acknowledges the ease of dreaming about one's aspirations but highlights the challenges of the journey toward realizing those dreams. The author discusses the significance of setting the right kind of goals, distinguishing between realistic and unrealistic goals, and outlines the characteristics of effective goal-setting, such as being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.). Furthermore, the ebook explores various obstacles that hinder individuals from achieving their goals, including fear of failure, procrastination, fear of success, lack of self-belief, and lack of motivation. It provides insights into understanding motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, and offers strategies for staying motivated for the long run. Overall, the ebook serves as a guide to help readers navigate their journey towards achieving their goals and attaining success in life.

Reasons for buying the ebook:

  1. Practical advice: The ebook offers practical tips and strategies for setting and achieving goals, making it valuable for individuals seeking guidance on personal and professional development.
  2. Motivational insights: By addressing common obstacles to success and providing insights into motivation, the ebook can inspire readers to overcome challenges and stay focused on their goals.
  3. Goal-setting framework: The S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting framework outlined in the ebook provides a structured approach to goal-setting, helping readers clarify their objectives and develop actionable plans.
  4. Real-world examples: The ebook uses relatable examples and anecdotes to illustrate key concepts, making it easier for readers to understand and apply the advice to their own lives.
  5. Long-term perspective: With a focus on sustaining motivation for the long run, the ebook encourages readers to adopt a proactive mindset and persevere in pursuing their goals over time. 

    What you'll get:  A PDF, epub document or ZIP file containing the books and any bonus information, videos or documents. In some cases these files may be easier to use on laptop or desktop computers. If you require assistance please contact thank you.